So I realized tonight that I haven't blogged about baby number two yet! I felt a little guilty not having a whole post dedicated to this baby considering this whole blog was created to keep everyone updated on my pregnancy with Parker. I guess the least I could do for number two was make one post about this pregnancy lol! We are super excited to be pregnant and after suffering a loss in Dec, it makes it even more special. I have been feeling well, just SUPER exhausted but I'm not sure if that's from the pregnancy or just life as a single mom dealing with a very energetic two yr old whom I am trying to potty train. I look back at my pregnancy with Parker and think it's so funny that I just felt SO exhausted while being pregnant with him lol. Oh I really had no idea what exhausted felt like until now;) I actually am struggling to keep my eyes open right now tee hee. I feel like my belly is literally tripling in size every week, I'm getting a little worried, I think it's safe to say I'm going to have a big ole belly yet again. I was hoping maybe to carry a little smaller this time around but I am coming to terms with the fact that, that was just a hope and not a reality lol! I have an ultrasound next week to check on the lil turkey I will only be 15 weeks we may or may not be able to determine the sex, they usually won't say anything unless they are pretty confident and 15 weeks may be just a little too early to be really confident. So needless to say I'm not holding my breath. I posted a few new pics from this week I am 14 weeks and 3 days, and anxious to meet this baby!!!!!!!!!
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