Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So my parents came this weekend and brought all of our gifts from our shower in Kansas City. We FINALLY could complete the nursery. It turned out AMAZING as you can see. We even turned his huge closet into a little playroom (pictures on top), I can't quit peeking in his room! Michael and I can't thank my parents enough for driving 8 hours to bring everything and then working so hard to get Parker's room all set up. We just LOVE it. I think he will too=) Now all we need is Parker to complete everything.


Calligraphy said...

The nursery looks GREAT! It also appears you won't be needing any baby clothes for at least the first year of his life :) That's good though...you will go through maybe three a day with spit up and poop!

Kimberly Anne said...

Congrats Jamie! You are going to make a great mom!

Renee (Nay) said...

You all did a great with the paint job. The jungle theme is good for every little boy loves animals.....
Parker is so blessed to have such a wonderful little room to grow up in. Not to say good parents that love him too.......

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers src

About Me

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Our family started when Michael and I met in the summer of 2003. We fell deeply in love and married on April 20, 2006. We have been truly blessed and the BEST blessing that has happened to us is the birth of our baby boy Parker Gabriel Keenan. He was born on September 28, 2008 at 2am weighing 10.2 lbs and measuring 23 inches long. He is so amazing and Michael and I cherish every moment with him, never knowing when Michael might be deployed makes the time even sweeter. We love God and truly are trying to raise Parker to have a strong relationship with his maker. We miss our family but we are so thankful to be stationed closer to them. God is good!