Sunday, August 24, 2008

So I don't know what I am thinking posting this pic, YIKES!! My belly is HUGE! We are at about 36 weeks now so in the last month, thank goodness. I can't lie there are things I have LOVED about being pregnant like feeling Parker move in my belly, but I am having a tough time loving anything about being pregnant right now. I'm sure you women out there who have been pregnant can sympathize with me, ha ha! I am honestly just ready to have him here. My midwife told me she would feel comfortable with him coming at an point now, so let's go LIL P it's time to come=) I not only posted the pic to show how big my belly is but to also let you see how he has begun to drop and I think my lower back has begun screaming out in pain=) Well start praying that Parker decides to come before or at least by his due date because his mommy is a little bit uncomfortable to say the least and daddy is running out of things to say and do to make mommy feel better!!!


sheryl said...

Hi Jamie. Yes you have dropped a lot since your baby shower. I feel that you will soon be holding Parker in your arms and laughing at Michael as he tries to hold someone so little and precious. His Grandpa Keenan and I cannot wait till we can hold him too and share in the joy that a new baby brings to the family.

Renee (Nay) said...

Wow!! my baby girl has a big old belly. And yes i do agree you have really dropped. We all are looking forward to you feeling better again and Parker outside the womb kicking and screaming. Can't wait to see you in two days. It will be better than x-mas with us bringing all your baby shower gifts to decorate Parkers room and the rest of the house with baby stuff. see ya soon, Love mom and dad

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! My jaw is still on the floor! I cannot believe first, how you are all belly. Second, your belly is so ready to pop. And last, how lowwwww your belly is. I would be more than surprised if you lasted more than 2weeks. I will keep you in my prayers.

Whitney said...

AHHH I LOVE YOUR BELLY. Wow! You change every time I see you. Still looking beautiful as always. I'm sure you can't wait for lil p to get here and neither can I! Tell him to hurry up. I have this feeling it won't be too long! Love you best friend. love you lil p

Calligraphy said...

Jamie...I LOVE IT!!! I remember those final days and I have a few pics like that as well! We will be praying for the rest of your pregnancy and for a safe delivery and healthy baby boy! I bet you are just so excited you can't stand it!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers src

About Me

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Our family started when Michael and I met in the summer of 2003. We fell deeply in love and married on April 20, 2006. We have been truly blessed and the BEST blessing that has happened to us is the birth of our baby boy Parker Gabriel Keenan. He was born on September 28, 2008 at 2am weighing 10.2 lbs and measuring 23 inches long. He is so amazing and Michael and I cherish every moment with him, never knowing when Michael might be deployed makes the time even sweeter. We love God and truly are trying to raise Parker to have a strong relationship with his maker. We miss our family but we are so thankful to be stationed closer to them. God is good!