Monday, November 24, 2008

Whitney came to visit!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in while the lil monster is starting to stay awake longer throughout the day. He honestly is so fun now with all of his smiling and cooing. Michael and I love when he starts "telling stories" ha ha! We had a special treat this month, our great friend Whitney came to visit! Parker loved snuggling with her and mom really loved being able to take a shower that lasted longer than 5 minutes=) I also loved having some adult conversation during the day=) I mean I love "talking" with my lil man but you can't beat sitting and catching up with a great friend. I stole Whitney's pictures that she took while she was here. As you can see Parker has found his hand and boy he loves to suck on it. He actually has found his thumb a couple of times and went to town sucking on it. So we will see if he is going to be a binkie baby or a thumb sucking baby?? He also LOVES his swing and so does mom. He takes about a 3-4 hour nap every morning in that thing. OH it is wonderful I get most of my house work done in the morning and then have the rest of the day to play with my lil man. I had my first time alone with Parker, Michael was away at shooting school for a week. He REALLY missed his lil P while he was away. He couldn't wait to get home and love on him. We were really excited to show daddy that we now sleep 5-6 hours straight through the night WOO HOO! Parker has his two month appt coming up and we are anxious to see how much our lil guy weighs at his 2 month appt. At around a month he was weighing around 12.2 lbs. His ped calls him the football player. The nurse that weighed him couldn't believe how big he was, mommy knows how big he is, she pushed him out, ha ha!!! Well that is about it hope everyone is fantastic. Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving I know we will!!!!


Unknown said...

Awww I love the pics! I'm so glad I was able to come and visit and see your life in Tennessee. You and Michael are fabulous parents and Parker is one lucky little boy to have you both is his life and be loved by so many. I can't wait for you to come home for 5 weeks! Love you all. SEE YOU SOON! AHHHH

Calligraphy said...

i can't get over how much he looks like you, jamie! he is so stinkin cute!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers src

About Me

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Our family started when Michael and I met in the summer of 2003. We fell deeply in love and married on April 20, 2006. We have been truly blessed and the BEST blessing that has happened to us is the birth of our baby boy Parker Gabriel Keenan. He was born on September 28, 2008 at 2am weighing 10.2 lbs and measuring 23 inches long. He is so amazing and Michael and I cherish every moment with him, never knowing when Michael might be deployed makes the time even sweeter. We love God and truly are trying to raise Parker to have a strong relationship with his maker. We miss our family but we are so thankful to be stationed closer to them. God is good!