Wednesday, September 28, 2011

May not be what you are use to but there is NOTHING wrong with it;)

So recently I have caught a lot of flack about how heavy the weight is I continue to lift and how hard I am working out in general. So tonight I did some research online about it. I simply typed in "crossfit pregnant" into google images and to my surprise TONS of pictures came up of woman lifting....and by lifting I mean heavy lifting. At my first appt my midwife told me I should not be lifting anything over 25 lbs when I proceeded to tell her about the type of working out I had been doing for over a year now she said well then I am comfortable with 45 LOL! I didn't dare tell her I had been lifting WAY more than that while pregnant and honestly I was going to continue too. I understand for a person who hasn't consistently been working out all of a sudden deadlifting 245 lbs while pregnant isn't the smartest thing. But for some one who has been lifting that heavy your body is use to it knows how to handle it and bottom line can deal with it. I felt it to be no different now that I was pregnant. Today I deadlifted 215 lbs I felt great while doing it and honestly could have done more but why keep pushing it? I didn't want to go to the point that it didn't feel good so I stopped there. I have backed off believe it or not...running is no more for me it hurts my back so I row instead, when I feel out of breath I don't keep pushing it like pre pregnancy I stop to catch my breath, I don't wait until the end of the WOD to get water I take a water break when need be. My goals pre pregnancy were just about me, now I still have goals but my first priority is making sure Hudson is ok. So after tons of research online I think doctors are changing their opinions on what you can and can't do in pregnancy.....all tied to what you were doing before. I love crossfit and I can't believe how strong I still feel even when I can barely move because my back is killing me;) I am happy with how hard I have worked and will continue to work just as hard through this third trimester. So speaking of my pregnancy....I am really starting to feel the effects of it. Just this week I can feel myself slowing down a little, I always said I would NEVER be that lady that walks like something is up her butt when she is pregnant well I became that lady with Parker and I am officially "that" lady again with this pregnancy. Pregnancy really takes such a toll on your body. I just feel EXHAUSTED all of the time which doesn't work too well with a 3 yr old and deployed husband. But somehow we manage;) I can't believe I am already 32 weeks not too much longer until Michael comes home and we have another baby boy!

Monday, September 5, 2011

So much to LOVE about Fall

Fall is breathtaking I can't think of ONE thing I don't love about Fall. For me it brings back so many wonderful memories of high school football games, hot chocolate and camping trips with my family. But I can't help but feel this Fall will be the best one yet. I feel like I have been waiting for the arrival of Fall since before Summer even came. As I sat outside on my front porch in my white rocking chair as Parker napped, tears came to my eyes as the cool Fall air blew my through my hair. This past month has been a little hard for me between a deployment "scare", pregnancy hormones, and some dreaded news of a third deployment in the works, I couldn't help but feel like this beautiful crisp breeze was a sign from God of wonderful things that these Fall winds are going to bring. Not only will this season bring my husband home but it will also bring the birth of our second baby boy. I am not sure if this is our last pregnancy but it quite possibly could be. And the thought of something I have waited a long time to experience possibly being over makes me want to cherish every minute of it. I can honestly say the little stretch marks here and there, the number on the scale going up and the bruising I have around my ankles has taken a backseat to the joy I feel from the moments I sit and just stop to feel this little life move around inside of me. other word to describe it. And although my husband isn't here to feel these little kicks I feel so blessed that he was here for Parker's pregnancy and I feel blessed that he "should" be able to be here for the birth of Hudson Michael. I hope everyone finds that this too will be the best Fall for them as well!
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers src

About Me

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Our family started when Michael and I met in the summer of 2003. We fell deeply in love and married on April 20, 2006. We have been truly blessed and the BEST blessing that has happened to us is the birth of our baby boy Parker Gabriel Keenan. He was born on September 28, 2008 at 2am weighing 10.2 lbs and measuring 23 inches long. He is so amazing and Michael and I cherish every moment with him, never knowing when Michael might be deployed makes the time even sweeter. We love God and truly are trying to raise Parker to have a strong relationship with his maker. We miss our family but we are so thankful to be stationed closer to them. God is good!