Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hudson update.....

Parker at around 4-5 months
Parker with his daddy doll
22 weeks

We had another midwife appt today I was VERY happy to hear that they are going to start a growth chart for Hudson once I hit 34 weeks. He is already measuring a little large, which was to be expected, considering how big Parker was. Basically it just means they are really going to be watching his size. I really don't want to be induced and I feel comfortable delivering another 10lb baby but any bigger than that and I am not so sure. My midwife and I both agree we should avoid at a c section, and a growth chart will help in doing that. I really would like to have another vaginal birth. We did get a little bit of scary news......I am trying not to worry about it my midwife did not seemed concerned at all. At my 20 week scan of Hudson one of his kidneys was somehow backed up or had too much fluid I was pretty confused and she didn't feel it necessary to go into detail about it being that she wasn't worried. She said it is fairly common in boys and in no way signals a sign of some type of deformity or birth defect. Worse case scenario we could have one kidney with a problem. But she doesn't think that is the case. They are overly cautious at a military hospital because they aren't equipped to handle any "high risk" type pregnancies so they really make sure nothing is wrong. With Parker I had to have a second ultrasound done because his head was measuring large, lol, obviously we see now his head is just large like the rest of him. So anyhow I am trying to stay away from google.....because seriously I want to google the crap out of this kidney thing and see what it says but I know that is a BAD idea. So I will go to God in prayer this evening before bed and leave it in his hands. I really do feel like it's no big deal. On a more light hearted note, Parker has been pretty cute about the baby lately. I think he has really taken notice to my growing belly, I am not sure why...hmm could it be that it's getting HUGE;) So I was cooking dinner the other night and he comes into the kitchen lays his head on my belly and says "Hi baby hud what are you doing" it was sooo cute I just wanted to cry. I am so excited to give him a little brother and can't wait to watch them grow up together. Parker already fits the role of the protective big brother. Today at my appt he was SO considered as to what they were doing to me and my belly. He kept telling my midwife to stay away when she was checking my blood pressure and Hudson't hb. It was too cute. I guess while daddy is away I will have two sons to protect me:)

I feel I should give a Parker update as well.....he has been talking a TON more and somedays I wonder to myself why did I want him to talk?? He can be SO repetitive today in the car we drove by some cows and he said "Hi cows are you hungry, are you going to eat some food, is it good" and I bet he said that 100 times that is enough to make you go mad, ha ha ha! But I quickly told myself it could be worse, he could be screaming or crying so I dealt with the repeated statement about the cows. We are still struggling to potty train we had it down but then daddy left and well we reverted a little. I slacked up a little and Parker slacked up A LOT. Parker has also been missing his daddy a lot lately. Its really been all of a sudden he wants to ride in daddys car, he wants daddy to read him the books, it's like something set him off and now all of a sudden he realizes daddy is really gone. He has had this daddy doll since last deployment and NEVER cared a thing about it and now all of a sudden it's like the end of the world if he doesn't have it. He just looked at me yesterday while eating breakfast and said "I miss daddy" oh dear I had to choke back the tears....I wish I knew where this was coming from. We have been spending some time watching videos of him and daddy together and looking at pictures of daddy and he really enjoys that;) Overall both boys seem to be doing well. Just need some prayers that mommy is growing a baby with two healthy kidneys;) Oh and I found an old pic of Parker as a baby that I just had to post, he is so cute, I can't wait to meet Hudson Michael!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Summer Summer TIme!!!!

We have had a busy but delightful month! It started out with Nanny coming to visit for two weeks then making the drive with us to KC for another two weeks! There is nothing better than spending time with family and we got to do plenty of that. We had a blast in KC visiting Papa's land and picking blackberries, so yummy. Of course we baked an amazing pie with them, I can seriously still taste it;) We also celebrated the 4th while in KC, Parker had a blast this year with the fireworks. He did end up with a small blister on his finger from the firework but I am pretty sure it was just a peek in to the future 4th of Julys. As always we missed daddy and I couldn't help but feel a little empty as I watched our son light up and love every minute of the fireworks. I try not to dwell on Michael being away but sometimes it gets the best of me and I can't help but feel sad that he isn't here to experience this once in a lifetime moment with Parker. I can't wait for him to come home, we are counting down the days. Mom and I also got some shopping in while I was in KC, although we have a full wardrobe for Hudson I couldn't help but buy a few new outfits for him. I LOVE his coming home outfit and I seriously can't wait to see him in it. It was hard saying goodbye to Nanny after being with her for a month but not surprisingly super Nanny devised a little plan to side track Parker from her departure by quickly getting out of the car at the airport and handing him a brand new Buzz toy, that did the trick! He was soo excited about that toy and has not put it down since she gave it to him. Although it sufficed him he still asked about Nanny and continues to randomly ask to see her. In fact it broke my heart today when I left Parker with a friend while I went to have an ultrasound, I explained to him that I was going to check on baby Hud but I would be back to get him. He kept saying over and over again on the car ride there "Mama go bye bye it's ok she be right back" I couldn't help but get a little teary eyed because I believe this was stemming from the fact that people he loves seem to come and go in his life. He was totally fine once we got there because his best buddy Ethan was ready to play with him! I just wish I knew what he was thinking so I could help him understand if need be. Anyways this past month has left me feeling so appreciative at all the love and support we have from friends and family. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people in my life! I decided not to post pics from our KC visit because I posted those to facebook and I am pretty sure anyone that looks at my blog has probably seen them on facebook. So I decided to post pictures from our play group tonight. Parker was so well behaved, well......well behaved for a crazy 2 yr old boy lol! All the kids got along great and the mommy's could actually have a conversation which is much needed when your husband is deployed.
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers src

About Me

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Our family started when Michael and I met in the summer of 2003. We fell deeply in love and married on April 20, 2006. We have been truly blessed and the BEST blessing that has happened to us is the birth of our baby boy Parker Gabriel Keenan. He was born on September 28, 2008 at 2am weighing 10.2 lbs and measuring 23 inches long. He is so amazing and Michael and I cherish every moment with him, never knowing when Michael might be deployed makes the time even sweeter. We love God and truly are trying to raise Parker to have a strong relationship with his maker. We miss our family but we are so thankful to be stationed closer to them. God is good!