Monday, January 26, 2009

As most of you know Parker and I packed up and moved out to North Carolina to be with daddy for the next three months. It has been a little difficult going from living in a home to an apartment mainly just on grocery shopping day, boy do I get my workout! Anyways one of the great things about the apartment we are living in is the beautiful pond right outside our window. There are TONS of geese, ducks, and even swans just hanging out. It was 57 degrees out on Saturday so we decided to take Parker out to the pond to meet some new creatures! He LOVED it. He couldn't keep his eyes of the swan. Little did I know that we would be attacked after I fed one of the ducks part of my banana. All of a sudden every single duck, goose, and swan came running for the gold. I quickly realized that they weren't backing down when the swan and goose came right up to me both made a noise then started to bite at my feet. YIKES we ran to high ground to escape a potential gang fight=) Other than my life threatening encounter it was a great time. I also took a picture of Michael reading Parker a book, too cute!! Daddy's little boy for sure!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Eating cereal!!!

I had to throw this one in here, daddy thought it would be funny to put his shoes on Parker

Parker was officially given the ok by our pediatrician to move to the exciting new world of cereal!! Of course it looks more like milk than cereal but hey we are using a spoon and a bowl so that is exciting! Michael was off work on Tuesday (the base here shuts down if there is even a speck of snow falling from the sky=) so he got to be here for our new adventure. The second I raised that spoon to bring to Parker's mouth he was grabbing for it. Daddy had to hold his hands down while I continued to feed him. He actually did fantastic he even started to open his mouth anxiously awaiting another spoonful. We did get pretty messy because he has found that blowing bubbles is fun with cereal in his mouth, ha ha!! I don't even think he realizes what he is doing he just knows he can make that sound and having cereal in his mouth shouldn't stop him=) We only give him 1 tablespoon twice a day but it's a start. It kind of made me sad to think he is already eating cereal, BUT at the sametime pretty excited that it has cut down on our amount of nursing (only a little). I hope you enjoy his messy face as much as Michael and I did.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today we were so excited to go and play with our friend Resa. This was our first time to meet her since we now live in Clarksville and Resa lives in Fayetteville. If you didn't know Michael and I are in Fayetteville until the end of March. Michael is here for a school and there was NO way we could be away from eachother for that long knowing we could be together...... soooo we moved up here. We are doing the apartment thing again. We did not sell our house it is patiently waiting for us to return. ANYWAYS... ha ha we LOVED playing with Resa today and the mommy's loved catching up. The kiddos couldn't get enough of eachother smiling and talking the entire time. Well I think we have a wife picked out for Parker =)!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My poor baby

I am not quite sure what this face is?????
Another ouchie=(

All dressed up for church in my adorable outfit

Ouch poor baby

Date night for mommy and daddy

In my swimming hat, ready for the pool

Papa trying to set me up, not working out so well

All of my gifts from Nana and Papa Clause=)

Yesterday was the day I have been dreading since the day Parker was born the no good very bad.........SHOTS. Parker missed his two month appt because we were home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I was so upset he had to miss his first set of vaccinations;) Not really! Anyways yesterday he had to get his shots I told myself ALL the way there that I wasn't going to be "that" mom that cried because I knew it would only hurt him for a second. Well let me tell you when you see your baby cry out like that and look at you with BIG tears running down his chubby red cheeks I could not hold back the tears as I held his arms down. UGHHHH it was awful. I immediately picked him up after the nurse was finished and calmed him down. He was fine until the same nurse tried to come over and talk to him and he lost it again. She kept trying to talk to him but we very quickly figured out he had associated her with the pain and wanted nothing to do with her. He is doing great now, I gave him Tylenol before his appt and still am giving it to him every 5 hours. He woke up at 3 last night and I could tell he was struggling 6 hours had gone by so I am thinking the Tylenol wore off. I gave him some more and he nursed and went right back to bed. He woke up this morning just as happy as can be. He is my tough lil man. I think he is trying to act tough because he knows daddy is coming home today=) We also finally got to find out how much our big man weighed. He weighed 17.5 lbs and is now a little over 26 inches long. We figured he was around 17 lbs by now. Well I posted some pictures from "OUR" traumatic episode yesterday and also some pictures from christmas that I found on my camera.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mobile uploads

He fell asleep on the boppy while nursing , just too relaxed=)

I love this picture, tummy time on mommy's lap

Starting to like my bouncy seat

Oops I rolled over and now I'm stuck and I HATE being on my belly

Love to sit up in my chair but I do tend to lean to one side

All bundled up in Nana's car on a snowy day

I just learned how to send pictures from my new cell phone to my e-mail so here they are!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just thought I would post some pictures of Parker's giggling session after his bath today. I also took one of him holding and slobbering all over his favorite book. I swear he is going to get a tooth soon with all of the slobbering and chewing he is doing. We will see! He is so much fun, he smiles ALL the time and loves to just talk talk talk just like his mommy. He makes sounds just to hear himself, that would be more like daddy, ha ha!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ignore Michael's nasty stache, ha ha ha ha!!!

We hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We had such a fantastic time in Kansas City. It was so amazing to see how many people couldn't wait to see Parker. I couldn't wait to take him to church in Kansas City seeing as most of the people there have watched me grow up and now to see them hold my baby was pretty amazing. I was pretty spoiled to be able to stay at my parents house for 5 weeks needless to say leaving was not fun at all. With my mother standing in the doorway crying and me crying in the truck as we pulled away poor Michael didn't know what to say. It is really hard to be away from family. It didn't make it any easier knowing that once we got back to TN Michael was leaving for two weeks the following day. BUT I am happy to say we are back in the groove here in TN and Parker has all of his toys and we are doing well. He has changed so much in the last few weeks. He completely holds his head up now, reaches for things (and puts them to straight to his mouth), rolls over ALL of the time (then cries beacause he hates being on his belly), recognizes familiar faces and unfamiliar faces ( it is sad and cute all at the same time when he gets scared at someone he doesn't know yet he sticks that bottom lip out and slowly talks himself into crying), and now loves his toys! He is a good baby EXCEPT for the fact that he HATES the car seat which makes me NEVER want to leave the house because he screams his head off for a LONG time until he FINALLY falls asleep which is usually right about the time we arrive at our destination. I am hoping he grows out of this and FAST! Well I hope all of you are doing well. Oh and I have to give a shout out to all the ladies at my Dad's office that keep up with Parker I thought that was pretty awesome=)
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers src

About Me

My photo
Our family started when Michael and I met in the summer of 2003. We fell deeply in love and married on April 20, 2006. We have been truly blessed and the BEST blessing that has happened to us is the birth of our baby boy Parker Gabriel Keenan. He was born on September 28, 2008 at 2am weighing 10.2 lbs and measuring 23 inches long. He is so amazing and Michael and I cherish every moment with him, never knowing when Michael might be deployed makes the time even sweeter. We love God and truly are trying to raise Parker to have a strong relationship with his maker. We miss our family but we are so thankful to be stationed closer to them. God is good!